Monday, May 13, 2013

New fanfic: All My Life

The creativity bug has bitten one hand and let go on the other. I may have to put The Age of Darkness on hiatus temporarily to follow my muse.
I've worked out this new story from beginning to end so I know exactly what happens in terms of the main events and big surprises, though I am allowing the characters to more or less speak for themselves.
This story is near and dear to my heart as it's inspired by real events from my own life. But because this is a Bella & Edward story - and I am a firm believer they should always find some kind of happily-ever-after - the real ending will be morphed into something warm and fuzzy.
There will be plenty of angst, mention of sensitive issues, and some delicious lemons here and there (when life hands you lemons...). I think it will be my best story so far because I've been through what happens to them, so I know exactly what they're feeling. It won't be an easy journey for them.

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